About Best

Local areas are not immune from the uncertainty that characterizes today’s world.

Governance methods are evolving.

So are the respective roles of the public and private spheres in rolling out local projects.

The development of digital and collaborative culture is driving a profound transformation in the way our cities and large urban areas are organized.

This context increasingly demands strategic foresight on the part of local authority chief executives. They are responsible for strengthening the capacity of their administrations to adapt and innovate.

BEST was created in order to support them in this ambitious undertaking.

BEST stands for Benchmark Européen des Services Publics Territoriaux, the European Benchmark of Local Public Services

Founded in Nantes in September 2012, by Maxim Peter and Christian Gauffin, BEST is an informal network for discussion between local authority chief executives of major cities and urban areas, as well as regions in France and across Europe, on strategic foresight topics, with input from contributors from other fields.

How it works

BEST is an informal network (with no permanent organization or membership fee) that is open to all managers of large local authorities, who get together for meetings on specific topics.

The meetings are designed, organized and facilitated by Christian Gauffin, with the support of the chief executive of the hosting authority, in premises made available for the event.

Members freely take turns coordinating the network as National Representative.

Since its 12th meeting, BEST receives steady support from France urbaine, the national reference association that federates French metropolitan areas, large combined urban authorities and cities.