#29 Marseille

Working time, health and parenting

Personalized adaptation of working time is gaining ground in communities; still modest, the experiments are rather positive.

Port and industrial challenges of decarbonization

The decarbonization of the economy is at stake in metropolises, in close cooperation between public authorities, industry and research & development.

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#28 Dijon

A) Food and agricultural transition

For many reasons, dysfunctions, vulnerabilities and the necessary agri-food system transition are challenges also to metropolises.

B) Artificial intelligence

Beyond more or less controlled uses of ChatGPT, the AI interrogates the organization and management of services, and must encourage vigilance on the well-being at work and engagement of the employees. 

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#26 Lille

A / Port issues, brownfields rehabilitation and cultural and creative industries

Ports, canals, factories… adapting infrastructures to new contemporary challenges. 

B /Behavioral sciences

Many unknown biases affect our behaviors, and hence our management style. 

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#25 Paris

The city of tomorrow

The city of tomorrow is a city adapted to the youth of today. This raises the issue of our local authorities’ relationship to youth. It is also the city that will be able to respond to the ecological challenge: how to better understand the issues and contradictory injunctions? What concrete solutions for our local authorities? 

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#24 Berlin

Social and democratic issues of urban development

Thanks to the mobilization of many personalities, the participants in the BEST study seminar in Berlin benefited from a very rich programme, combining historical perspective, field visits, contemporary issues and project dynamics.

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#23 Grenoble

Transition: prospective scenarios and action plans 

There is an urgent need to organize the ecological transition. If the time has come for national prospective scenarios, the metropolises have a major role to play in this undertaking and are doing their utmost to do so, in particular to adapt their own mode of operation or to bring about behavioural changes.

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#22 Toulouse

A) Metropolises and their academic system

From one metropolis to the other, the relationship between local authorities and universities vary a lot. It may often need strengthening but its potential for strategic and fulfilling cooperation for both sides is undeniable.

B) Strategic management of human resources

Recruiting et retaining workers is a challenge for every metropolis, requiring very elaborate action plans.

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#20 Video conference

Long-standing crisis, sudden crisis: how to cope?

Crises are events that public actors must anticipate, knowing that they are rarely predictable. These are also pivotal moments that invite the reform of institutions or organizations, to organize recovery and strengthen the resilience of territories. François Bayrou, former minister, new French High Commissioner for Planification and local elected official, did us the honour of participating in this meeting to discuss the lessons he learned from the COVID crisis, his vision of “planification” in the 21st century and its own role. Two Local Authority Chief Executives then shared their experience of crisis management by local authorities.

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