Dunkirk 2019 > Presentations

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Co-founder of Carbone 4, Chairperson of The Shift Project, member of the High Council for Climate

Climate disruption and the decline of fossil fuels: what are the consequences for our way of life?

Professor of Ecology at Sorbonne University, Institute of Ecology and Environmental Sciences of Paris, Institute of Environmental Transition of Sorbonne University

The fall of biodiversity and the solutions to curb it

Éric Vidalenc
Project leader, Prospective, Energy and Resources at ADEME

1) Rethinking cities in the post-carbon society
2) Climate and democracy: urgency and deepening

Chief Executive of the Urban Community of Dunkirk

“Dunkirk, creative energy”

Director of the 3rd Industrial Revolution in the Hauts-de-France Region

Rev3, the Third Industrial Revolution in Hauts-de-France

Chief Executive of the City and the Eurometropolis of Strasbourg

The energy transition in the transport sector: the example of Strasbourg

Sébastien Maire
General Delegate for Ecological Transition and Resilience in the City of Paris

Introduction to Territorial Resilience and the Strategy of the City of Paris

Rémi Ailleret
Deputy Chief Executive Sustainable Development of Montpellier 3 M and the City of Montpellier

The Montpellier Manifesto for an Ecological and Humanist City

Bruno Cassette
Chief Executive of the European Metropolis of Lille

Activities and cooperation of cities in agriculture and food: the example of Lille

Head of Territorial Policy Department at the Executive Direction of the Territories of ADEME

Communities key to the TEE (Energy and Ecological Transition) and the fight against global warming

Coordinator of the Energy Transition - Recovery Energy/Industries Division at the ADEME Hauts-de-France Regional Office

How to accelerate the energy and ecological transition in the territories?

Jean Carassus
Professor at the École Nationale des Ponts et Chaussées, member of the Sustainable Building Plan Office

A central lever of the TEE: the renovation of the residential and tertiary housing stock

Pierre Ducret et Morgane Nicol
Chairperson and Director of Territorial Activities of the I4CE (Institute for Climate Economics) think tank

Which territorial public finance instruments to achieve the objectives of transition?